
Donate to The Fairy Fund Sometime the Catharina Anastasia Foundation gets questions about urgent fairy missions that need direct support. We use the money to support directly these missions to get the projects going. These projects can be urgent missions like the food distribution project of Kami Choundry. At the same time we get requests for supporting projects like research projects, documentaries, etc. We try to connect people and give a contribution to start their projects. Every year the fund it filled with at least 2500 euro via current donations. We want to extend this fund to at [...]


Donate to Genderbuddy's Fairy's Mission Through the use of buddies, Genderness wants to help people get out of their social and societal isolation. The project work is done to remove barriers in private life in cooperation with social workers and the coaches of Gendertalent. By having social support to get your life going again, a person really can set up the difference. Our mission is to do this by improving social and language skills. Our organization wants to support getting and keeping a job, while also improving all base skills and acquiring confidence. Buddies will be [...]