The foundation was founded in 2016, on the 26th of June in Utrecht as Stichting Gendertalent. The foundation first aim was to develop a program for transgender people to help them towards work. In the period of 26th of june 2016 and 23rd of december 2016 the founding committee worked progressively on the foundation of the organization. To define it’s mission and it’s goals.
From the 10th of februari untill the 1rst of august 2018 Gendertalent was being build up. In this period of time the foundation was transformed several times and the current form was not fitting completely. So in the end of july 2018, earlier as planned, the companies (now The Peoples Freedom Company B.V.) was founded. This company now focussed on Gendertalent, Genderflex, Genderstories and Genderclinic to help society to mind Genderness. The shares of the company are held by the Trust office The Peoples Freedom Company.
This meant that the foundation needed to have new direction for doing good for society. Soon this came with the acknowledgement of the Foundation Orange Fund, for the project Genderbuddy. Together with the company infrastructure our new board will attract new volunteers to help out transgender people with a buddy, starting in the Netherlands and hopefully following in the path of the companies elsewhere in Europe later on.
In the last five months a new board was formed and the name was changed from “stichting Genderwende” to Stichting Catharina Anastasia Foundation. The foundation aim is now focussed on (trans)gender issues and also on transcendent issues. The new foundation board currently works on a new strategic plan and on the operationalization of the Genderbuddy project and on fundraising for important fairy missions.
At the same time, at the announcement of the new focus and goals, the foundation asks for attention of the project of Kami Choundry to support transgender people in Pakistan suffering the consequences of COVID-19.
In 2017, the foundation got the status ANBI (SMO) of the Dutch Tax Authorities (to check for yourself: please click the link). This means that your gift is tax detuctable in the Netherlands.
The foundation aims to support people who, with their ideas and concrete actions, cherish and improve the freedom of self-expression, freedom of philosophy of life of people. And furthermore everything that is directly or indirectly related to or may be conducive to this, all in the broadest sense of the word.
It endeavors to achieve this objective by:
a. financing and conducting independent research;
b. supporting projects;
c. setting up and supporting networks and partnerships;
The foundation does not intend to make a profit.
Board members
The boardmembers have no renumeration only direct costs are being covered.